The Integrated Man

October 22, 2010

Breaking story: High Self esteem women discovered in Royal Oak

Filed under: Uncategorized — Integrated Man @ 3:49 am

I’ll get right to it, David and I had another great adventure in Royal Oak.  We did the lions share of our sarging at a newly re-opened club called 5th Avenue.  I hope they can keep their doors opened this time because it was great club, great crowd and target rich environment.

 Actually, let me back up for a minute.  When David and I go out, there’s usually a part one and  a part two to every night.  Part one starts around 7:30.   We get drinks and dinner and catch up.  I heard all about the fun you guys (and gals) had in Vegas.  I also mentioned to David that I have a new stalker, and I can get away with almost anything with the married girlfriend and I told my ex-wife I just don’t like who she is as a person.  The week I had last week would be a post in and of itself.

 Anyway I digress.  The first venue, where we had dinner, had some dude playing live guitar and some nice women but it was pretty sedate, everyone paired up or sitting at tables.  So a local PUA friend and his lively sidekick meet us at the grill and we get ready to blow this pop stand and head to the next, more lively venue.  But wait, David strikes up a conversation with a really nice woman who was standing outside the front door to catch a cigarette.  I shook her hand and met her, but as David got talking with her, I went back inside with our other two guys to give him some space.  David later said she was high self esteem, which was already unusual as so many nights, every single woman we run across has low self esteem.  I don’t remember what he said they talked about. 

 So off we go.  David and I and a PUA named Seeni and his loud grisly lawyer friend named Jeff.  Seeni is a guy who has come along way.  He’s really remade himself from a bit of a dork to a pretty cool laid back guy.  David’s known him for years.  Jeff is so loud and so animated, he could be a cartoon character.  And then there’s me;  the wing prop. 

 I said to David and one point during the night, “I’m not a pick up guy, I hate to be your handicap here” and David put it in good perspective, he said “You’re a great prop, you go with the lead, jump right in there and you do fine”.  You see David will just walk up to a woman and say “have you met my friend David?” and I’ll shake her hand, learn her name and say “this is my friend David” and we’ll get “oh you’re both David”.  Good conversation starter.   If we say wing prop enough, maybe we could introduce a new term into the pick up vernacular.

 So we get to 5th Avenue and head to the second level.  As I recall, this was the last I saw of Seeni the whole night.  I end up sarging with this Jeff guy for a few minutes and it’s notable because I saw what I like to call the “Silence of the Lambs” opener.  Very quickly in his conversation with two women they mention seeing a movie and something was like oh yeah like in silence of the lambs and he went on and on about what a good movie it was.  He then started quoting lines and was freaking these girls out.  I made an executive descision and ejected myself from the situation without another word.  That was the last I saw of Jeff for the night. 

 So I stroll on over to David who is, at this point, engaged in conversation with the two hotties in the photo.  The one on the left of the picture was Emily, who was exquisite.  The other, who was also  very attractive, did most of the talking but I can’t remember her name.  David quickly introduced me and I dropped right into the conversation.  They both had great firm handshakes and loverly gracious personalities.

 I should mention that this really was the first night we spoke freely with the various sets of women about what David does.  He’d say “I teach men how to be better lovers, David here is one of my clients.”  Got raised eyebrows at first, but the women were fascinated.  That led into a great conversation with these two lovely ladies.  They are both in two year LTR’s , the one who’s name I can’t remember is engaged to be married.  When we started talking about being better lover’s it opened some floodgates.  Emily seems well taken care of.  She said that her boyfriend puts her first in bed.  I don’t think she elaborated much beyond that.

 The friend had a few issues.  We got some interesting insights from her.  She mentioned her fiancé was raised by a single mother and that sometimes he can be emotional and overreactive.  She’ll take five minutes to get ready for him when she’s coming to bed and he gets so ticked off that he can’t get it up.  WTF?  She was Telegraphing the message that “I love him but I wish he’d stop being a douchebag and BE A MAN!”  Again, goes back to mindset.  I also am a grown man who was raised by a single mother.  That upbringing cost me my marriage, in more ways than one.  This guy better stop pouting before it’s too late.  David did you give these ladies your card?  That fiancé needs you asap!

 What else?  We talked to two girls who were seated, a skinny blond and a fuller figured brunette.  The blonde was standoffish and not a great handshake.  The brunette was very pretty and had one of the greatest smiles I’ve ever seen.  I believe she had a good handshake too. 

 We bumped into an old badboy friend of David’s who was with his hot little girlfriend.  David took some time catching up with him and I occupied the girlfriend.   David and I both noted that he was not the slightest bit fazed or jeoulous that she was talking to me so much.  We  were impressed.  He seems to get his alpha on just fine.  The girlfriend gave me an earful, literally.  She had to shout in my ear, the place was so loud.  All kinds of drama, some other girl that was there with their friends who wanted to kick her ass (I reassured her that she could take the bitch!)  and the frustrations of Charlie/Kevin whatever his name was.  I think she was fairly high self esteem.  She was something like the youngest of four, and had a good handshake.  I was impressed with her.

 The last notable set of the night was a couple girls with what I would consider complex self esteem issues.  The brother of one of the girls was with them as well.  We successfully engaged all of them including the brother.  I believe the girls had solid handshakes.  The tall blonde was a freaking big time daddy’s girl.  She said, “the only real man I know is my father, well and maybe my grandfather.”  She seemed a little edgy and angry though.  The other one was a cute brunette who was a bit of a tomboy.  I’ve always had a soft spot for tomboys and I don’t know why.  She kept smiling at my which, of course, turned my on.  David did note that she was a nervous talker, taking ten sentences to explain something simple. 


 I have to go, I’m writing this in the office at the restaurant while I’m supposed to be working! 

 David, I’m sure I missed a few details, please chime in with anything I missed.  Fun!

Maybe at some point don the road, we should open our own club.  We’ll call it Orgasm

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